
så jävla bra

Taken EP by erikhassle

there's plenty of fish in the sea

I love you.

Words demand explanation. They require analysis. They are the construction and expression of my thoughts. Of my heart. But they can't describe it. They can't describe any of it. They can't tell you how deep the memories are, or how often I think of them. They can't scream what I really want to say. They are the mask of how I really feel and they try to disguise the pain, but someone will strip it away. And someone will make those words worthless.

So what is a word worth? Nothing. What are three words worth? Nothing. But we say them anyway, because you know. You know, more than anyone what they mean. You know when I say I love you, I really mean that those three words can't describe what it is we have. When I say you're amazing, I know the word is just a cover; a quick way for me to remember all the things that amaze me about you, a mask for the memories we share, a disguised version of our adventures together. And I really believe that you know, when I say I miss you, it's not just that. I miss you every moment, and I miss just what your name means to me. It means an alphabet of sounds and letters and words. But none of them really mean anything, because words are based on trust, they rely on how truly and deeply we feel. Remember, always, that they don't mean anything, they are letters and they are constructions, but we deconstruct them every day and we twist them; we manipulate them so that they say what we want them to. But no word, no shape, no photograph could ever twist so far that it could begin to explain even a little bit of how I feel.

Life in technicolor


Repeat please repeat

Coldplay – Now My Feet Won't Touch The Ground


Pappa Per

Jag blev jätte glad idag när jag såg den här bilden på försvarsmaktens hemsida. Det är min far.
Han jobbar i Afghanistan för tillfället. I mina ögon är han en riktig hjälte. Vi längtar efter dig! /e

fav in julius coldplay.


Spread your wings and fly away

jag går inte helt bekymmerlös runt och funderar på den perfekta vinterjackan, utan det är ett faktum, det finns ingen. inte ännu i alla fall. den där enda, underbara, varma, boet som ska passa till allt ! finns inte på världskartan.
om ändå . .. /Ellen

making up for teenage crimes

It’s amazing how at one point in our lives we will be extremely close with someone
and then later they will become a complete stranger.
You will pass by them without a word. Without a single acknowledging look.
This person, who once knew you so well,
who once knew your fears, your desires, your dreams, your past,
is now walking right past you, seeing right through you
It’s amazing how at one point in our lives we will be extremely close with someone
and then later they will become a complete stranger.
You will pass by them without a word. Without a single acknowledging look.
This person, who once knew you so well,
who once knew your fears, your desires, your dreams, your past,
is now walking right past you, seeing right through you

eftersom jag är så jädra awesome kan ni ju lyssna på min spotifylista, här

you had me at hello

Faith is to believe in something you not yet see; the reward for this faith is to see the things you believe.

im not asking for forever, im just asking for a chance

the biggest mistake you can make is to dift apart with somone you know you once had the time of you life with.

vi vrider oss på asfalten av skratt - ingenting kan röra oss inatt

"Life is what is happening to you - while you are busy making other plans"
- John Lennon


Du lever bara en gång och den gången det är nu,
finns bara en som vet hur du ska leva och det är du


life is about accepting the fact that you are whoyou are and that will never change





Jag sitter i sängen lutad mot väggen och petar in godis efter godis i munnen, har precis läst igenom allt intressant i tidningen ridsport och lyssnat på några favorit covers.
Min nya häst är alldeles underbar! Första ridpasset ägde rum igår kväll och hon är en fantastisk, oslipad diamant.
jag är lycklig för att hon är min, för att hon har all potential i världen och för att hon är världens finaste.
Det känns skönt efter att vår älskade älskade hund gick bort i veckan och för försäljningen av vår förra häst.
NU är de nya krafter på gång och det känns bättre än på länge!
/ Ellen

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